
Participation is reserved to PhD students, early career scholars (PhD degree obtained after January 2020), and master students with an ambition to do doctoral research.

Up to 23 participants.

The fees amount to Euros 250 and include: accommodation (with breakfast) for five nights at Villa del Grumello or in a hotel in Como, drinks, dinners and all other social activities.

Papers can address any topic in the philosophy, methodology, or history of economics, including topics that differ from the summer school’s main theme.

Abstract or full-papers should be sent, together with a CV and the contact details of a reference, to, or directly uploaded using the online application form below.




Student application: January 31, 2024.

Notification of acceptance: before the end of February 2024.

Registration and payment for accepted students: March 15, 2024


In addition to applicant quality, the Organizing Committee will consider a number of features including: the coherence of the motivation with the aim and scope of the school, the potential benefit for the student’s research, the timeliness for the development of the student’s career. Preference will be given to applicants not participating onsite in the previous edition (2022) of the school.

The school is especially addressed to doctoral students and young postdoctoral scholars. A very limited number of senior students (e.g., assistant/associate/full professors) can be admitted, if they provide strong and convincing motivation in their application letter.