



18.30–20.30: Welcome drinks and registration

Villa del Grumello, Serra (greenhouse)



9.00–10.15: LECTURE 1

Christopher Clarke “Does econometrics rest on an unwarranted assumption (the principle of the common cause)?”


11.00–12.30: Students’ presentations: 3 papers, 30 minutes each

  • Anna-Katharina Kothe “Why do (some) economists shun (some forms of) simulation? Exploring answers through a representational risk framework”
  • Gustav Alexandrie “A psychophysical foundation for individual and social discounting”
  • Korbinian Friedl “A Condorcet-like theorem for prediction markets”


12.30–14.00: Lunch break

14.00–15.00: Tutorials: an invited speaker discusses with a student her/his paper in a one-to-one discussion


15.00–16.15: LECTURE 2

Magdalena Małecka “Values in economic research: perspectives from philosophy of science”


16.45–17.45: Students’ presentations: 2 papers

  • Lorenzo Gagliardi “’Keep an eye on the scales, they like to change’: accidental priming effects in conspiracy studies”
  • Daniel Zarama Rojas “Of the vices behind biases – A virtue epistemology perspective on nudges”


From 18.00: Social activity

Guided tour of Como and light dinner at Pronobis



9.00–10.15: LECTURE 3

Judith Favereau “The paradoxes of poverty: history and methodology of poverty measurement”


11.00–12.30: Students’ presentations: 3 papers

  • Caroline Falkman Olsson “Aversion to inequality and social risk: an experimental approach”
  • María Gutiérrez Ruan “Enhancing the understanding of laboratory field experiments: perspectives from the top and bottom”
  • Cristian Larroulet-Philippi “Quantifying the human: values in measurement or measuring value?”


12.30–14.00: Lunch break

14.00–15.00: Tutorials


15.00–16.15: LECTURE 4

Remco Heesen “Modelling and evaluating the credit economy in science”


16.15–16.45: Students’ presentations: 1 paper

  • Vita Kudryavtseva “The making of a decision: Ellsberg variations”


From 17.20: Social activity

Guided tour of Brunate and aperitivo at Hotel Bellavista



9.00–10.15: LECTURE 5

Jean Baccelli “The social choice theory of spurious unanimity”


11.00–12.30: Students’ presentations: 3 papers

  • Eva Jacob “Van Parijs versus Rawls: the (im)possible Rawlsian justification of UBI”
  • Raphael Oliveira “Impartial observer theorem with ambiguity”
  • Rafaela Schinner “The rationality of team reasoning”


12.30–14.00: Lunch break

14.00–15.00: Tutorials


15.00–16.15: LECTURE 6

Natalie Gold “Advances in behavioural public policy: new frameworks and old debates”


16.45–17.45: Students’ presentations: 2 papers

  • Angela Barnes “Nudging and Meta Choice Architecture”
  • Sebastiano Munini “Moral and social nudges for promoting cooperation in wicked social dilemmas: a theoretical and experimental investigation on waste sorting behavior”


17.45–20.00: Free time

From 20.00, social activity:

Faculty: dinner at Canottieri Lario;

Students: dinner at Pizzeria Fratelli Coppola



9.00–10.15: LECTURE 7

Mary Morgan “What travels in, or with, a model”


11.00–12.30: Students’ presentations: 3 papers

  • Murat Bakeev “The requirement of theoretical tractability as a challenge for model transfer”
  • Jakob Ortmann “Models as memes? Understanding and hedging performativity of science”
  • Mathieu Guigourez “Individual commitments under normative uncertainty: can we gamble on climate change?”


12.30–14.00: Lunch break

14.00–15.00: Tutorials


15.00–16.15: LECTURE 8

Raffaello Seri “Equifinality and model selection in econometrics”


16.45–18.15: Students’ presentations: 3 papers

  • Sebastian Zezulka “Risk scores as statistical fatalism”
  • Connor Chung “The history of energy’s future: early predictive modelling at the international energy agency”
  • Lior Nissim Grinman “The appropriateness-in-context intuition: rethinking preferences in economics”


18.15–20.00: Free time

20.00–22.00: Dinner at Villa del Grumello



9.00–10.15: LECTURE 9

Anna Alexandrova “Philosophy of economics after the empirical turn”


11.00–12.30: Students’ presentations: 3 papers

  • Samuel De-La-Cruz-Solal “Co-design of behavioural public policies: can expert-citizens be both ‘experts’ and ‘citizens’?”
  • Mikhail Volkov “Realism about economics: ontic structural?”
  • Isaac Kean “Neo-Robbensianism and the market lens”


12.30–14.00: Lunch break

14.00–14.30: End-of-school meeting